What to expect on your first visit

Your first visit to therapy, often called an initial consultation or intake session, marks a significant step on your mental health journey. When you arrive, you might start by completing some paperwork, which includes your medical history and some questionnaires. This helps me understand your background and the reasons you're seeking therapy.

I’ll begin by introducing myself and explaining my therapeutic approach, confidentiality rules, and what you can generally expect from our sessions. Feel free to ask any questions—whether about my methods, credentials, or anything else you’re curious about.

A good portion of our time will be spent discussing the concerns that led you to seek therapy. I encourage you to share your feelings and experiences openly, and we can explore what you hope to achieve through our sessions. If you're not sure about your goals, that's perfectly okay; I'm here to help you define and refine these goals over time.

Creating a safe and comfortable space for you is my priority. Building a trusting relationship is essential for effective therapy, and that starts from our very first conversation.

Towards the end of our session, if you feel ready, we can start to set some goals for your therapy. These goals can be flexible and will evolve as we progress. If we both feel that it's a good fit, we’ll also discuss how often you should attend sessions and what topics we might explore next.

It's normal to feel a bit nervous about starting therapy, but taking this step is a positive move towards caring for your mental health. Every therapy journey is unique, so our sessions will be tailored to fit your specific needs and preferences.