Meet your new therapist

Hi there, My name is Mike Kling. My journey to becoming a counsellor began with a profound personal experience in my early adulthood. During that time, I started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. My heart would race, my hands went clammy, and I felt chest and abdominal pain.

Initially, I thought these symptoms were related to a physical health issue, so I saw my doctor and was subjected to a barrage of tests. I was misdiagnosed and was prescribed a variety of medications over a period of six months where my symptoms increased.

This was pre-internet, so I was unable to just Google my symptoms, and support for mental health was not available as it is now. Eventually I found a therapist, and learned what I was experiencing were panic attacks. It was at that point I had a purpose, to help those on their journey on their path to mental wellness. I became healthier and my passion led me to study psychology at university. I learned more about myself in that brief period of my life than I could imagine. Throughout my life I have endured trials and tribulations and my resilience only strengthened.

With my experience and training my goal is to help you work through your struggles in a collaborative relationship, so you don’t have to do this journey alone. We will work together to build a trusted relationship where you feel the safety of sharing in a non-judgmental space. I will be your guide, but you will remain in the driver seat of your journey as I truly believe it is important that you feel empowered along the way.